Long Legs In Stockings

Long Legs In Stockings
Long Legs in Stockings
By Jan Smith - Ezinearticles
Long legs and well fitting stockings can pose a problem for many women. Anyone who has never worn a pair of uncomfortable stockings probably hasn't thought about leg size. Legs come in all shapes and sizes but if you are just a little bit one way or another outside 'the norm' then you have to take extra care when buying a pair of stockings.
By Jan Smith - Ezinearticles
Long legs and well fitting stockings can pose a problem for many women. Anyone who has never worn a pair of uncomfortable stockings probably hasn't thought about leg size. Legs come in all shapes and sizes but if you are just a little bit one way or another outside 'the norm' then you have to take extra care when buying a pair of stockings.

Short skinny legs can lead to stockings sagging around the knees or bunching around the ankles and this really looks unattractive. Long skinny legs can end up with the wearer being 'hobbled' around the inside thigh area. This is turn tends to split the stockings at the crutch area and can lead to extra chaffing of the inner thigh which, quite frankly, hurts. It's actually a friction burn and like all burns, needs special attention.

Women with long legs buying stockings need to take extra care when buying. Just because the pair of stockings is discounted at the supermarket doesn't necessarily make them a good buy for you. Do you always check the sizes chart available wherever stockings are sold? If not, I suggest that you do so before buying any pair of stockings but especially if the stockings are not a known brand to you.

Some stockings made in some countries are only made and modelled on the sizes of the local women and as we all know unfortunately, western women are getting larger every year so what's considered 'large' in some countries will only really be a 'medium' size in a western country.

Long legs and stockings usually need the extra large size not because of the weight factor but because of the stretch factor built in to these sizes. It is so much easier today with the type of spandex used in stockings as against when there were only nylon stockings available. The spandex used today in most brands of stockings is very fine and silky yet far more durable than nylon ever was or had the capability of being.
Silk stockings are usually more expensive than the spandex material commonly used but if you have long legs and need a special pair of stockings for a special occasion, then it's worth spending the money and taking the time to visit a good lingerie store and being properly fitted with your right size. And you may get a very pleasant surprise to learn that the prices are more competitive than you originally thought. Being fitted by a hosiery specialist at a lingerie store means the comfort level for women with long legs in stockings is immeasurable.

Long Legs In Stockings
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